Sunday, October 15, 2006


I don't mean to intentionally steal from La Lars, but while scanning the coat racks yesterday at Value Village I was reminded of how wonderful Trevor Howard's coat was in "The Third Man"

This isn't a good picture of it, but it was the only one I could find on the 'net (we don't own the movie .... yet), but it's heavy wool and has those wooden closures I love. It's like a post-war Paddington Bear coat.

My friend Don has a coat like this, but he won't trade me, so I've got to find it somewhere else.

Cah ... you'd think J Crew would make one.

Anyway, while sorting through photos related to "The Third Man" this one popped up:

It's Robert Kubica, the pride of Poland. He's a Formula One driver for BMW ... I guess it's because he used to be the third man/driver for them. Now, of course, he's a WINNAH! We loves the Kubica.

Remember how they used to pose you like this in grade school? They'd turn your chair to the left, but make you look right, but don't turn your head! just look right. perrrrrrrrrrrfect.


Lesli Larson said...
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Lesli Larson said...

Looks like we might be issuing competing catalogues this season. I didnt even know duffle coats existed until I saw The Third Man for the first time... I was always obsessed with the large grommets in the hood of his jacket. Can you even purchase a duffle coat with such magnificent metal fittings?

li'l hateful said...

Value Village had 2 - count 'em 2! - fireman/fisherman style coats with the heavy metal closures. But they were HUGE coats and not wool. Gosh ... I had no idea they were even called duffel coats. No wonder I can never find them.

li'l hateful said...

I mean duffle. man ... what a mess

Anonymous said...

I'll trade my duffle for the suede jacket. You know the one I'm talking about.

li'l hateful said...

Really? Really? wait ... the suede? You mean, the good suede with the brown and the ... erm ... yeah ...

maybe. maybe. maybe. maybe.