Monday, August 28, 2006

And it is wonderful in our sight

The week is over. Long live the week.

Here's a weird one: I'm actually looking forward to going into work today. Sure, last week there was a lot of overtime -- enough to pay for my books this term, if I calculated right ... and I'm bad at math -- but I finally have a new p.c. to work with and overtime's not too bad. No more working with Windows 98 and a memory that needed to have cookies and internet files cleared on a daily basis. We're into XP with Office 2003. It's like a rocket on fire compared to the old system. I can actually get stuff done efficiently. It was always a little embarrassing to explain delays to people on the phone. "Yes, we're the Internet Department ... Ironic? Yes. You're right, sir/madam."

But last week went right by with no real memorable moments apart from the lovely dinner on Friday with an Italian table wine that led to some problems on Saturday, and then, of course, Kimi out of the race AGAIN yesterday in the Turkish Grand Prix. McLaren, why you break my heart? Oh, and Manchester City beat Arsenal ... I really don't know how I feel about that. Good. Then bad. Then good again, but then bad. So I try not to think about it at all.

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