Monday, July 24, 2006

38 Only More So

Now that I have been home and frying for two days (103 degrees yesterday at 6:30 pm -- it's about 99 now. By the way, I love the Yahoo Weather distinction of "99. Feels like 99." Yesterday it was "103. Feels like 105.") I have had time to analyze completely the birthday changes.

There are none.

Since I'm dying my hair I have no idea if there are more gray ones. I still ride the bike to work (cooler than sitting in a car, alright alright). I'm no more concerned with my cholesterol than I was last week when I was only 38. It's been a huge let-down. Based on the birfday conversation with the brother and various friends and relations, 40 is pretty much the same. I have a feeling all the metabolism changes really did hit at 25 and I've got a few more years before the sagging starts. I figure 45 or so for the sagging. This means that I can start the "That's when she began drinking heavily" phase of my A&E Biography now while I've still got some stamina.

I've also played with my presents. DWilt, you the man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We aim to please. We don't often please, but we do aim with sincerity.