Saturday, April 29, 2006

M to E from A to Z

Accent - on the positive
Booze - vodka
Chore I Hate - laundry
Dog or Cat - I have a cat that thinks she's a dog
Essential Electronics - what a boy question
Favorite Perfume - Yves St. Laurent's "Paris"
Gold or Silver - silver
Hometown - Huntington Beach, CA, dude
Insomnia - I drop off around 9 and it takes an A-bomb to wake me
Job Title - Customer Service Lead (sad)
Kids - 0, but I have many friends with them, so it works out
Living Arrangements - sweet little house with cousin/roommate
Most Admirable Trait - erm ... my sunny disposish
Number of Sexual Partners - if I told you, you'd laugh; if I told you when the last one was, you'd cry.
Overnight Hospital Stays - 0
Phobias - spiders and Jon Voight
Quote - "'Slackers?' queried Chang ... 'It is significant ... that the English regard slackness as a vice. We, on the other hand, should vastly prefer it to tension. Is there not too much tension in the world at present, and might it not be better if more people were slackers?'" - James Hilton, Lost Horizon
Religion - Zen Catholicism
Siblings - 2 brothers
Time I Wake Up - 4:20 (dude! way!) a.m.
Unusual Talent or Skill - there was this one thing ...
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat - can't think of one. fruits on the other hand...
Worst Habit - nail-biting, back biting ... I'm a biter
X-Rays - my left knee once and my teeth often
Yummy Foods I Make - champagne cake, that blackberry thing (I don't have a name for it yet, but it's like a cobbler or a ... thing), chicken marinade, soup sometimes comes out okay
Zodiac Sign - Cancer Sheep

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