Saturday, April 15, 2006

I'd like to introduce myself

I'mmmmmmmmmm the other wooooman.

Honestly, I never thought I'd be the type to download music. Sure, I used the free 5-song coupon that came with my Sony pod (both the first one and the replacement after the first one stopped working), but I really didn't think I'd ever buy stuff to download. It's like a cell phone. I just didn't think I needed it.

Who knew they had Loretta Lynn? I could probably burn the cd's from the library, but within 3 minutes I had 7 songs on the pod and they sound really, really good. Honestly, I'm not a country music type, but Loretta has helped me through some hard times -- erm ... Loretta in the form of Sissy Spacek. "Patsy always said 'Little girl, you got to run your own life' ... and now my life's runnin' me." Or "may" as it's pronounced by Sissy/Loretta. But you can't walk around with a DVD of "Coal Miner's Daughter" -- or you could, but it's hard to watch on the bus. Now I can flip open the pod and get instant comfort from Loretta followed by the strange sexual energy of Jarvis Cocker ("I only went with her because she looks like you - MY GOD").

What bothers me about this -- not Loretta/Sissy/Jarvis, but the download trend, which is like crack since the first 5/10 were free and now I'm hooked, but that's not what bothers me -- what bothers me about this is the new appeal of a cell phone. Imagine, any time of the day, anywhere, you can call someone and get your existence validated. Feckin' A, that's hard to pass up.

[stamp] you exist.

feckin' a...

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