Monday, April 10, 2006

Carpe De Tunnel Um

I'm convinced that carpal tunnel/tendinitis has started. It's already been the ruin of two co-workers and I'm beginning to get the same tingly feelings they described. I'm also getting the Popeye forearms.

This is worrying.

I've been weighing it over during the past few days and I don't want to lose the job -- I hate the job, but I've grown fond of eating, drinking, rent paying, etc... -- so I don't want to go to a doctor who will throw me over to Workers' Comp. That's why I called an acupuncturist. I hate needles (some may remember the childish way I backed into the room with my eyes closed when we had free flu shots at Store of Knowledge) but I figure that 30 million Chinese can't be wrong. Anyway, it falls into the whole Eastern thing I've been trying out lately with the T'ai Chi, etc... I mean, feck it, the T'ai Chi is helping my allergies, so there must be something to this stuff. Bad news is I have to wait until June 2 to see the poker-man. By then the Popeye arms will have fallen off and I'll be crippled by my job like some flipping child seamstress in a Dreiser novel.


-- Just a note, now that I'm at the office and looking to work off building feelings of irritation ... here is one of my biggest pet peeves:
Asking someone to do something and having it not get done.
That and coming into work relaxed and quickly getting pissed off by 1) email 2) incompetence and 3) having my backpack fall off while the alarm is going off and I'm trying to lock the front doors behind me. Maybe the job really isn't worth it. --

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