Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'se Gots Book Larnin'

Ladies and Gentlemen .... I am .... a GENIUS

Straight A's for my first term of college. 4.0. Never had a 4.0 before. Had a 3.5 once, and a 3.7 that semester I didn't take a math class in high school, but never ever ever a 4.0. I'm still not entirely sure how I worked the A in Italian, since I continue to have trouble with the Gi-Ci-Chi-Ghi's, but the A+ in Writing is because I'm super smart ... and because I read some of the papers in that class and I'm 99.9% positive that he graded on a curve.

And I found out today that I've worked so much over these past few months that I have somehow -- even with school and all -- accumulated 53 hours of vacation time that they'll have to pay me for because we're still short a person and I can't take any days off before the end of the year. So I can maybe git me some a-them store-bought Christmas cards. I wonder if they still have the Gorey cards at Borders...

This also means a Starbucks gift card from mom -- I'm sorry S&W, I tried Espresso Roma, and I really want to support local business, but those pint glasses for tea cups are scalding and the kids smoke cloves on the back patio. It just doesn't have the corporate blanket-comfort of a well-furnished Starbucks. And they know just how much space to leave for the milk ...

God, I'm such a lackey to the Man ...


Anonymous said...

Well holy hot potato, Lil Hateful (or is that Piccolo Odioso)! Many congrats...you are very smart indeed! Those cell-phone chatting hosers ain't got nothin' on you! Very cool!

And between you and me, S and I do sometimes like the warm corporate embrace of Starbucks. Gingerbread lattes...mmmmm.(:

Michael T. Mahoney said...

Show off!