Saturday, November 19, 2005

Hornets, Humps and One Last Kick at Danza

For the past week I've been followed by hornets. There was one in the car (Tuesday), one buzzed me in T'ai Chi class (Wednesday) and then a third one was on the light fixture over my desk at work (Thursday). I have not been able to find anything relating them to any specific superstition. If anyone knows differently I want to hear about it. Do I need to use the fig to ward them off or are they like crickets and should be caught and kept in a tin can next to the kitchen sink? Otherwise I'm going to assume it's just nature gittin' jiggy.

The cousin has hooked up Winamp to the stereo -- sucker ... I made him play "My Humps" to test the bass and it's making me want to throw down that street lingo the kids use today ... like "jiggy." ("I feel like I need a shower after that song," the cousin said.)

Last bit of news: Yesterday The Tony Danza Show bought pens from the website I work for. I had to complete the order. Le Cercle Rouge.

Tomorrow: The Fights (GO SHARMBA! GET HIM BABY!)

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