Monday, October 10, 2005

Blogbots Are GO

Not to focus too heavily on the way school is creating an unnatural and uncomfortable parallel with my outside life (ie: learning how to Repulse the Monkey in T'ai Chi has many parallels ... my job immediately springs to mind), but now that I've learned how the internet is the new mass media, it shouldn't really come as a surprise to find people using the blogger comments to spam me.

I mean if newspapers are irrelevant, magazines and radio are archaic, the next mass form of communication, after television, is certainly the internet. How dare I try to keep that from advertisers? What am I, some kind of egocentric separatist? Why can't I be sold to on my blog -- better yet, who do I think I am not clicking over to their buyer-blogs? They clearly had an interest in mine:

A real enlightening blog. Don't stop now. Don't miss visiting this site about how to buy & sell everything, like music on interest free credit; pay whenever you want.

See? They said my blog was enlightening. Aren't I just a little bit of an asshole for blowing off their invitation?

Perhaps not.

Today's note of actual learning: I found a website that translates the wedding sing-along song from The Godfather. Viva Il Pompeo Coppini Lodge #2712!

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