Friday, October 08, 2010

Today Is...

Today is Kelly's birthday. She would have been 38.

Today is another day where I have to get up and keep going.

Today is Friday, so tomorrow I don't have to get up as early in order to keep going.

Today is going to be difficult for all the things it is and all the things it isn't.

Tomorrow will be better.



Hilary said...

I'm sorry you lost your friend. And for all the loss her family feels. Love to you.

mOm said...

Kelly would be so happy you're thinking of her today. Remember her fondly with a smile in your heart.

Wuh said...

Thanks for sharing all of your memories of Kelly. I feel like I've met someone lovely and beautiful. I'm so sorry today is so hard. Here's to tomorrow, and the day after and the day after. You are a mighty good egg, LH.

Susan said...

You are such a good friend--Kelly was lucky to find you and make you a part of all our lives.