Dir. Gianfranco Parolini (Frank Kramer)
Starring: Gianni Garko (John Garko), Klaus Kinski (Klaus Kinski), Aldo Canti (etc...), Margaret Lee, Salvatore Borghese
So our friends turn us onto this movie --- this is a movie for you, they says --- this looks like something you'd watch, they says --- so, I says, is it good? I says --- eh ..., they says, you should watch it, they says.
So we watch it and at the end, I'm thinking "this is a movie for me?"
Well, they'd be right.
When it starts there are all these names like Addobati and Mancori and Bellecca and Micheli and then the director's name comes up:
Shut the f..., I says. Did they think that was an American name or what? Sure enough, because his real name is Gianfranco Parolini, also known sometimes as John Eastwood. E un maestro regista e molto creativo, si?
Too bad this tell-the-whole-movie Italian coming attraction doesn't include the kooky tap dance sequence (although it does feature the fantastic anachronistic music)(better even than Kelly's Heroes):
Trust me, that music will not leave your head for days. You have been warned.
By the way, ignore the ad for the xploitatedcinema site because I couldn't find it there. If you want to buy it go to Movies Unlimited. (Oh yeah, you'll want to buy it.)(Compri subito!)
Also starring Klaus Kinski's forehead (It's huge! How does he keep his hat on?)
Come on, he's got to balance out those lips somehow.
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