Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm a Cook

Gather 'round little ones. I've just purchased

Google, you make me feel, mi-ghi-ty real.

No, really, we'll watch a movie now and post about it. Although last night I did watch Life of Brian again, but there's no need to review it. But it reminded me of how my parents told us we could never see it because it was blasphemous and now they can quote whole sections of it.


Wuh said...

Wow, congrats to you! I just typed in your new address and found it to be entirely enthralling! You are legit now, perhaps even too legit to quit. I'm just saying.

S. and I just watched The Holy Grail, and though I've seen it a billion million times, I laughed mightily at all the good parts (AKA the whole movie). And on that note..... I burst my pimples at you, you tiny brained wiper of other people's bottoms!

Affectionately yours,

li'l hateful said...

And your mother smells like elderberries!

Hilary said...
