Saturday, December 03, 2005

How to Make a Patitza

(but no idea how to spell it ... in fact, it may be potica if Google is to be believed)

First you get the flour, then you get the dough ... then you get the weemen...

Then the dough gets bigger

and bigger

Then you start laying down the magical ingredients (butter, cheese, love, crack or whatever it is that makes you keep eating it and eating it)

Then comes the best part: ROLLING and this is a new method that the cousin is trying ... well, it's an old method, but new-ish to us. She's using the prep-sheet to let the dough roll naturally on its own.

Finally, it goes into this funny pretzel shape, which you can kind of see here if you look really close at the bottom of the photo:

But here's what it looks like when photo'd by a professional:

And, the best part:

The thrill of victory, the crowning glass of wine, the joy as you watch your friends and relatives eat, eat, eat. Carbs are not always the enemy...


Unknown said...

My Grandma made the best potica. Best. Ever. The dough was rolled sooooo thin that she got layers and layers of the crack stuff in there. My parents have tried to imitate it, but they don't roll the dough thin enough.
Regarding the spelling--As a wedding gift, one of my aunts gave me a recipe box with a bunch of my Grandma's recipes in it, and it wasn't until many months after getting the gift that I realized that the recipe for potica was in there. I read it as pot'-ick-ah, and I thought, "What the hell is that? I don't remember Grandma making anything called pot'-ick-ah." So I'd just flip right past it and go for another recipe that I knew.

li'l hateful said...

I guess when you look at it in a Slovinian frame of mind (which is hard when you're Italian/Irish) it kind of makes sense. pot-i-ca. When I checked it with the cousin she said "oh yeah," like it was pretty common. pfft Who knew?

Anonymous said...

well, we pronounce it that way (patitza), but I still don't know how to spell it. we make it shaped like a loaf with walnut filling. and the bread is not as thin. It's grandma's old recipe from Portland.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Can you post the ingredients for the crack filling? I've lost my (Croatian) grandmother's recipe but I would still like to take a crack at it.