Monday, December 13, 2010

Yeah, Merry Stinkin' Christmas

Platelet Count: 30


Got shot again today and pumped full of stuff, but I feel pretty good. I'm trying not to stress out too much about Christmas, but I'm way behind on mailing things out. Nerts. Again, Christmas cards ... they're right here on my desk staring at me and I can't scrape it together enough to write them up. I know. I suck. ergh. What's a girl to do? I've got a sick cousin/roommate (man cold ... you know how it is: coughing, sniffling and television watching --- like a woman cold only with Dirty Jobs instead of Pride and Prejudice) and there's just no time. NO TIME.

Anyway, so, here's the thing that's really making me crabby and irritable: I didn't like the look on the doctor's face today when I told him that Bitey (the primary tumor -- the big one) has been acting up. But I felt he should know. They ask "Any pain?" and I feel like an arsehole for mentioning it, but doggone it, he's a doctor, right? He's supposed to fix it. So I says to him, I says, for the past few days it hurts to sleep because that little sucker is constantly poking me. It feels like I've got a sunburn and someone punched me right on my ... erm ... okay I can say breast. Yeesh. I'm an adult. Breast. What's the big deal? I feel like someone punched me in my sunburned breast. There. Although "breast" always makes me think of chicken.

Anyway, so that's when he started to question whether or not the faslodex shots are really working, because apparently I shouldn't have this kind of reaction out of Bitey if it is. Swell. That's just what you want to hear about your last chance hormone treatment.

I said feh.

So this has made me cranky and barky and menopausally pissy for the rest of the day. (All this cranky, barky menopause for what?!? FOR WHAT?) I even ripped into the kids today in the office: "Get up you bunch of ragged-arsed tinker cow thieves!" No, I didn't say that, but one day I'm going to use it. That and "Shag your butts you slug-a-beds!"


PET scans are coming and I'll have results on January 3rd.


reverend dick said...

Arright, I was saving this, need to see "Kingdom of the Spiders" (1977) starring your favorite. I know, he keeps his shirt on throughout the film and plays only one role, but there are plot subtleties which more than make up for this.

li'l hateful said...

It's now saved on the Netflix queue (not available), but I'll be looking around for a copy in the meantime. Wow, not even Corman would touch this one. It's GOT to be good.