Sunday, December 26, 2010

Another one bites the dust-ahhh

Christmas is all done, long live Christmas. I hate the pressures of the holidays, but I love presents. Who doesn't? Really. Some of the best this year were:

- Learning that Vitaly Petrov was signed for 2 more years at Renault
- Getting the forbearance approved on my student loan for a year (yay!!!)
- The sound+book Farts: A Spotter's Guide sent to me by my little brother. He has never sent me a better or more useful gift in his entire history of gift giving. We have already left phone messages with it and used it for background noise while watching television. Number 6, "The Poof" is my favorite.

So I'm closing the year out with a bang (or a poof). So long 2010. You sucked. Seriously. Could it have been worse?

Oh yeah, so, yes, the PET scan made me sick, but I think it was my fault because I told him my weight (which I'm not telling you) and the Wii gave me a weight 6 lbs lighter this morning. I have a feeling my actual weight at the time of the scan was less than what I said and he overdid the nuclear crap because of it. My bad.

But I'm getting better bit by bit (it's actually hanging on a little longer than I thought it would) and I did manage to get out to the show for a couple of movies last week:

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Dir. Frank Capra
Starring: Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore

Poor bitter, disillusioned George Bailey ... could it get any less wonderful?

Really, what needs to be said? You've seen it or you haven't. Tell you something for nothing, seeing it on a big screen (actual film!) made me cry a lot faster than usual. Cahhhhhhhhh I forgot all about poor Mr. Gower and the pills. And the scene with Sam Wainwright on the phone and that weird angry sexual tension between George and Mary is still electrifying. It's such a very un-Hollywood way to court your girl.

But, yeah, it drops into Hollywood type pretty quickly anyway: Mary without George is an "old maid" and a librarian. Pfft whatever.

Black Swan (2010)
Dir. Darren Aronfsky
Starring: Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel, Barbara Hershey

Just take a Valium before you go see it. That's all I'm sayin'. Otherwise it'll just make you edgy. And the scenes involving what my friend called "Cuticle Horror" really are intensely unpleasant. I had to close my eyes. Otherwise it's relatively predictable with few surprises, kind of like The Wrestler, but with Natalie Portman instead of Mickey Rourke and she's easier on the eyes, let's face it.

Mila Kunis tho' ... wow ... she needs to do more. Seriously.


Mr. Bascomb said...

"It's A Wonderful Life." Yes, I'm an old softy...It's one of my all time favorite movies, I've probably seen it a hundred times. But...everything builds beautifully in the Clarence scenes until the revelation about Mary, which is nearly enough to jolt you out of the magical spell you've been completely wrapped up in. I mean, fer cryin' out loud, if Violet ends up as a hooker the least they could do is give us a brief glimpse of the penthouse in NY where Mary, the lonely, alcoholic, wife of philandering, millionaire industrialist, Sam Wainright, is drunkenly considering her own leap from a snowy balcony. I know, like George, we're not supposed to leave Bedford Falls, I get it...But, old maid, librarian!?...Seriously!? No one's buying that...No One.

li'l hateful said...

Amen, brother man. As if Potterville would even have a library anyway.

So if The Bailey Brothers built over the old graveyard ... is this a perhaps a prequel to "Poltergeist"?