Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Broken but not dead, Your Lordship"

Again, Rob Roy is not on Bluray because why??

Friday was the Zometa infusion and I drank about 120 ounces of water before going in and then continued drinking water afterward (with the addition of 2 yummy watermelon champagne cocktails). Thursday night we walked the track and prepared for the weekend with some club soda, pretzels and a box of cherry Pop Tarts provided by my dear friends. Maybe that's why this time everything went well.

No throwing up. No headache. Nothin'. Honestly, when I got out of bed yesterday morning I felt better than I had in a long time. I didn't even have pain in my hip! I was walking upright, eating food, keeping food down -- what the hell was going on? Apparently there's no predicting anything anymore. Think things will be good, they're bad. Think things will be bad, they're good. Whaddya do?

So we walked a mile on the track yesterday and I pulled weeds today. Might as well get things done, yeah?

Oh, I still had the Pop Tarts.

1 comment:

Wuh said...

Hey, that's good news! I'll never underestimate the power of a watermelon champagne cocktail (or two). Also, Pop Tarts are fortified with vitamins and minerals. They're so healthy you don't even need to eat them to get a nutritional boost.
