Thursday, July 08, 2010

Must Be The Hendrick's Gin

Platelet Count: 43

I'm on half a steroid every other day (dude, what is the point?) for another 2 weeks, but it looks like I'm back to my old regular ITP again. I also had my first dose of Zometa this afternoon and I've been drowning myself in liquids all day to keep the side effects down. I've heard it could be as bad as Aredia, so we have pudding cups and clear-ish Gatorade just in case. So far so good and I promise I won't freak out this time. I have my Percocet on stand-by.

It's now 4 months into this cancer thing and I think I'm starting to get used to it. The patterns of my life haven't changed all that much and I don't really feel any different, with the exception of the hot flashes, fatigue, short-term memory blanks, hot flashes and fatigue. I still don't plan past a few weeks because I don't know what will happen beyond the next doctor's appointment, but I'm reaching a point where I can almost see myself living with this for a while.

Sure, I still have doubts -- a lot of them -- and I think about Kelly every day and how we had hope and how hope wasn't enough. I don't suppose I'll ever completely trust science again or put all of my eggs in the hope basket. But, right now, I think I've got a grip on the day-to-day portion of it.

And I have my Percocet on stand-by.


Wuh said...

Say, I'm very happy the Hendrick's did no harm! Perhaps it even has healing powers?
I have soothing snacks at the ready, day or night, so give me a ring (or a beep?) if you need something/anything. I've also heard stale Peeps are good for what ails you. Headache? Have a Peep. Broken leg? Plaster a Peep to the damage and you're good as new. Who knew?

Mr. Bascomb said...