Monday, March 08, 2010

Post Party Depression

Am I happy for The Hurt Locker? Sure, you bet. I won't lie, part of it comes from my aversion to all things James Cameron, but it's good to see something that didn't make a lot of money or take 20 studios to fund it win Best Picture. Is it a better movie? I really don't know. I haven't seen it, but I suspect it gives the audience a little more credit for intelligence than that other one does.

But, sure, I'm still bitter over Moon and, what? nothing for Harry Potter? Not even a nod for sound editing? Bummer.

At least the acceptance speeches were kept short and that did help a lot. Most of them followed the rules, except for that mouthy producer? director? random woman? who interrupted the director of the Best Documentary Short to sound off about everything except global warming and Elvis. Maybe in New York being obnoxious gets you heard, but the rest of the country tunes you out, sugah. But a law for the mole people should be the same for the handsome actors. I'm happy to see The Dude get his moment, but when they get in that space where they start trying to remember people's names, you know they've lost touch with time and a reminder to move on isn't rude, it's helpful. When you hear "Oh, so many people, uh..." cue the music. Fair's fair.

Highlights of the night, apart from James Cameron looking like he blew the cash bribes on a 0% payback:

- Ron Howard quoting Roger Corman: "If you do a good job in this movie, kid, you'll never have to work with me again."
- The Snuggie
- The John Hughes tribute (which made me cry --- but, hey sporto, where was the jock?)
- The dead people roll call, although Michael Jackson, but not Farrah? Let's see, if you leave out Captain EO he made 1 theatrical movie and she made... hmm ... wait a minute. Oh, well, right, he's got This Is It. Sorry, forgot he was an actor.
- Those crazy interpretive dances to the music scores. I read somewhere that the break dance was supposed to represent a bomb going off for The Hurt Locker. So what was the significance of doing the robot for Up?


mOm said...

I read that lady who interrupted her partner's speech has been feuding with him. When they won, his Mother tried to block her with her cane in the aisle. Such drah-ma!

reverend dick said...

ahem- "The Wiz"? Point, game, match.

li'l hateful said...

Now, Reverend, I did allow for "The Wiz" as his single acting credit. He gets a half-point for "This Is It" and maybe another half for the theme song to "Ben", but Farrah had "Saturn 5" AND "Logan's Run" so what the f..? I love that story of the mother blocking the aisle with her cane. That's fantastic!

dwilton said...

Regarding Farah: Also, "Sunburn". ("A private dick. A classy chick. An old guy named Al. As detectives they were second to everyone." They just don't describe them like they used to.)

Mr. Bascomb said...

Um...The movie's called "Saturn 3"! NOT Saturn 5!...Geez!...But, I realize you weren't a 13 yr old boy when it came out...and drooling at the chance to see even 0.25 sec. of a topless Farrah Fawcett, which was enough to make you light headed and give you palm sweats.

li'l hateful said...

Holy smokes, you're right. I was subconsciously adding 2 more Saturns from somewhere. Weird.

reverend dick said...

But...but..The Wiz, maaaaan, The Wiz.