Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Movie Nearly Every Night: JCVD

JCVD (2008)
Dir: Mabrouk El Mechri
Starring: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Francois Damiens, Zinedine Soualem


Honestly? Honestly ... it was slow in some spots. It's a robbery/hostage story and that has limited possibilities and they've all been done somewhere else. But, honestly, this stretches into some new territory if you stick with it and that saves it. Although, honestly, what really saves it and makes it satisfying is Jean-Claude Van Damme. He made me cry. Mickey Rourke didn't make me cry in The Wrestler. JCVD makes me cry in JCVD. How Mickey got a nomination at the Oscars and Jean-Claude didn't equals robbery with no hostages.


Would I recommend it? I don't know. I like Jean-Claude, but if you don't like him ... well, sure you might still like this. Why not? Good is good.


Hilary said...

Dude. Tears at a JCVD pic? I'll put it on the queue and watch it with Mr. Waterworks, a.k.a. JTL.

li'l hateful said...

I know, weird. Who'da thunk it?

reverend dick said...

Vaaaaaan Damn! I forgot all about this. I will happily add it to my que. Thanks!