Thursday, September 10, 2009

Askoa part deux

Yeah, what a shock, he killed a bunch of people and his role as a Buddhist leader through India gets tossed off in a rolling paragraph at the end ("And then Asoka went forth..." and walked the Earf like Caine). Can't blame them really. What's more important: a few more songs or Asoka spreading Buddhism? It's not that hard to figure it out.

Beatles Rockband is lovely to look at. I kept screwing up because I wanted to watch the pretty cartoon in the background, but I think I did my part as an okay George for most of the songs. The cousin/roommate went in for some Expert play as Ringo and survived, although there is a little something inside that urges us to see if Rockband will really allow the Beatles to get booed off the stage. Somehow I couldn't allow it to happen 'though. That's the magic of British pop, friends.

Maybe tonight we'll start the story from the Cavern to Let it Be, but I have to uncross my eyes first. I'm tellin' ya, trying to play and watch the stuff in the background .... man, I thought playing Boston's Smokin' was hard.

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