Tuesday, April 28, 2009

time for one ping only

I'm still downloading pictures -- what? Get off my back! I shot in camera raw! It takes time -- but wanted to remark on the following topical points:

Today's Yahoo news: "Learn about worst-case scenario for swine flu." Right there on the home page. Yesterday while watching The Today Show (what a goofy name for a news program ... The Today Show ... say it slowly, it's weird, isn't it? Intensely simple) -- yesterday while watching The Today Show I got this huge journalist hankering to cut right to the chase and ask the big question:

"But do you think people are worried enough? What steps can they take to be worried more about this possible pandemic?"

Speaking of Chase and cutting to it, I missed House last night and have to wait a full week for it to show up online. This has been my process for spring term, but now that House is going mad I'm really starting to get frustrated with school. Stupit school. I'm missing the only thing worth watching on tv aside from The Dog Whisperer. But, last night I couldn't ditch out because we had our midterm and watched the first part of The Seven Samurai.

Yes, I'm a big nerd. Yes, I love that movie. Yes, I am most identified with Gorobei. But, more important, here is a sampling of what the dudes next to me said as we were leaving:

"Dude, that movie ROCKS!"
"It's totally cool."
"Dude, that's the best movie we've watched in here!"
(note: we've seen only 4, but they were Rashomon, Gate of Hell, Onibaba and Kwaidan, so they didn't suck ... well, Gate of Hell kind of sucked)

They then proceeded to loudly re-enact swordfights on leaving the building.

A most satisfying result.

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