Monday, February 16, 2009

Economics Schmeconomics

I feel like these past 2 weeks have been nonstop running around and all just inside my head. I've got library books, but I really don't remember when they were checked out and I don't think I've even read any of them yet. Maybe I have ... that one there looks familiar. I swear that every day is Monday to me. I don't know why, but we'll be at the market or I'll be sitting in the Documentary Film class and I'll suddenly freak out and think "I forgot to put the trash out!" and it's, like, Wednesday or something. Veda's cat igloo is always full of treasures, which she used to be proud of and offended when they were removed. Now she's always in my dish to clean it, mwaowing on my chest in the middle of the night.

But I'm keepin' up on Facebook though, huh? Yeah. That fecking thing is like a Christmas toy. The kids are done playing with it and now the adults have taken it over and one day we'll break it and have to hide it under the family room couch. I honestly, honestly, have no idea what to do with the drink requests. I click on it and some box pops up and asks me do I want to run some chingadera and I don't want to run a bunch of random crap on my emachine so I just let the requests build up and sit there.

So I guess it's more like grandma's taken it over and she can't drive stick.

But the term is closing soon and I won't have to figure out the marginal propensity to consume anymore and I can get on with real work, like taking that Samurai in Film class.

And I have to call Kelly back -- I was moving a friend Saturday and today I'm at school and I haven't reloaded the cell phone because I keep forgetting my pin number which is somewhere at home under those library books.


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