Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It's freezing here. No. Really. I know, that sounds wussy to my friends "back East" but we don't usually get down to 10 degrees here in Eugene. It just ain't fittin'. I was kicking icicles off the bumper of the car yesterday. That ain't right. That ain't Oregon.

But the Christmas cards are done and I shipped off the wee brother's presents yesterday, so I feel I'm ahead of the game holiday-wise. Sure I've still got to come up with gambling money for next week and it's going to be freezing rain and snow today which kiboshes shopping for in-town family, but that doesn't mean I can't keep changing my avatar on Rock Band, right? I need to figure out how to screen shot it for the blog. She's all cuted up -- although I don't remember opting in on the tongue piercing ... that's troubling.

Grindhouse now rocks most of Western Europe (Dublin was particularly receptive to our panicky sight-reading of "Alex Chilton") and once we win that plane in Madrid ... dude ...

It's a little bit of a concern that we only just bought this thing on Saturday. I'm afraid the early obsession will quickly turn into boredom and then resentment. Are there help groups, therapy sessions, for people who have lost the love for Rock Band 2? Or am I anticipating all of this disappointment simply to keep off the depression that will come with failure once we stop playing on the Easy level?


Anonymous said...

I rode my bike in the chilly rain yesterday, and was as happy as once could be, given the soggy mittens. Rain is a pain, but ice is..not so nice? Snow really blows? In any case, I'm pleased not to be trudging through an ice rink!

Have you left for warmer climes yet?

li'l hateful said...

Not yet. I leave at 5:30 am Christmas Eve, unless snow and ice ground the plane.

When I used to work at 6 am I'd bike past people chipping ice off their windshield and think "Dude, this is really stupid" while wind tears made icicles on my face. All hail Honda.