Monday, July 14, 2008

Buggin and Bullets

I think I'm going to have to rethink this whole karma cleansing thing. The steroids kicked in yesterday and I started cleaning my room only to find that some spider gave birth somewhere and those little white bastards are into everything.

One just crawled across this monitor. Just now. They're mocking me even.

It's also summer finally in Oregon, which means that it's stopped snowing and I'm glad for the heat, sure, because we had 8 months of winter this year, but wee moths keep squeaking in through the blades of the window fan. Is the greater good served by letting them live or by protecting my woolens?

So far I've been pretty lenient. Just now I brushed the spider from the monitor, but did not intentionally squish or kill it ... although it may not have survived the brushing, but my aim was true. I think I should be given a little something for the effort. That's all I'm sayin'.

This is the last week of the action film class and I'm really going to miss it. Sure, there was a lot of reading and paper writing, trying to bring philosophy to The Transporter and junk like that (my final paper is on how Hard Target reflects the global economy.), but last week we watched Hot Fuzz under the guise of studying genre and that was really great. "Pack it in, Frank, you silly bastard!" Today we're watching Lady Terminator. It looks kind of naughty on YouTube. I can't even post the trailer. You'd never catch them showing this in a community college class. Viva academia.

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