Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Goin' round the outside, round the outside, round the outside

Yeah, it's the end of the term. What of it? Maybe I've been working on a feature story. Maybe I'm the judge in a libel case for the law class. Maybe I keep getting B's in the ethics class taught by the guy with no ethics. And maybe I'm passing Human Physiology because we get to use our notes on the exams, but I don't really know the name of the things around the nerves ... mylar? phhft I don't know, man. Maybe this time of year when you're not supposed to have homework because you're supposed to be studying is the time of year when everything in the frickin' term is due, man.

That and we now have a ginormous television, which, like all shiny new things, is distracting. I know. It's television. It'll be around for a while. The movies that we're watching we can watch any time (except "No Country For Old Men" which has to eventually be returned to Netflix and is turning into a 3-4 day film festival). But no no, you've got to watch it now. You've got to see the color on it now. It'll never look this good again. Never.

Yeah, well ... 3 more weeks and we're all done, that's all I'm sayin'. Then I'll watch television ... until summer school starts.


Mr. Bascomb said...

Sweet!...I just got a bigass TV too! First thing me and the Mrs. do is PPV Atonement since we both wanted to see it...Dude, had to bail out on the Netflix. The pressure got to be too much. Watching movies was turning into a feckin' job. Mrs. is breathing down my neck, "C'mon!...You're clogging us up!" Jesus!...Anyway, I ended up having one movie for about three months!...So, we're watching the movie and right at the part where this old French lady is washing his feet, or something, I think, the damn converter box freezes up! And, this just kept happening so we just gave up, and days later we finally fixed the problem, but I still don't know how the damn movie ends.

Hey, isn't mylar that stuff rain parkas are made out of? Shit! How many nerve cells have to be unsheathed to make just one of those mofos?!

li'l hateful said...

You know, I like the big TV. I gots no problems with the big TV -- "Casino Royale" looked particularly stunning on the big TV. But people on old shows look kind of squatty, that's all I'm sayin'. We watched the Star Trek with the parallel universe and the good Kirk/Scotty/Bones/Uhura on the bad ship and Uhura's wearing the mid-driff exposing uniform and has clearly, CLEARLY been working out, and even SHE looked squatty. Changing the aspect ratio doesn't seem to help much. We're getting another disc of Emergency! this week, so we'll see how the 70's hold up. (I know, I thought the idea behind Netflix was that you didn't have to return them right away ... yeesh.)

Mr. Bascomb said...

Emergency!...Nice. Randolph Mantooth! I remember him being in this mini-series that I really liked as a kid that took place during the American Revolution. Can't frickin' remember the name of it. You should see if Netflix has that.

li'l hateful said...

Oh yeah ... it's one of those "The Bastard" John Jakes ones. ---- according to imdb it's called "The Seekers" ... hmpf, not as exciting title-wise as "bastard" but what do you do...