Tuesday, November 13, 2007

We're Number whatever

Go Ducks. With work turning into a full time gig and school winding down into finals, I actually did find the time to watch one of them thar football things a coupla weeks yonder. We're kind of a one-man team, but that's the nature of sport, really. Maybe we're 2 men, but still. We're number one.

Go Ducks. But, and I'm not saying this in a mean way ... although maybe I am, I don't know, but I'm old -- honest, I'm not like those kids out there -- but these guys look older. Some of them must be 30. At least. They're adults dressed like kids ("uh ... yeah ... I graduated last year - YO! CLASS OF OH-SIX!") trying to get away with the college experie... oh ... wait. That's me.

Go Ducks. And, not for nothin' but, I don't recognize any of those guys from campus. Maybe they do everything by e-course or maybe they're like rock stars and have to sneak into buildings to keep the crowds down. Although, a quick check of the roster shows that Political Science, Sociology and Business are the big football majors, so I don't really truck in their halls of learning anyway. Hell, who am I kidding, they'll all end up with Journalism (ESPN) jobs before I will. Who cares what their major is?

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