Saturday, October 13, 2007

I whinge therefore I am

So, yeah, yesterday sucked. I've been working up the nerve to call people to interview for my stupit paper in stupit Journalism and I finally get hold of the guy that's central to my story and he tells me he doesn't have time to talk to me ("are you a student?") and that I need to read everything he has to say in another newspaper.

Then I get to class and my profile topic is shot-down.

I nearly cried in front of the GTF. That's bad.

I was seriously considering dropping the Journalism class because I just don't have the time to do all the stuff that needs to be done. I'm really, really behind and it's making me super manic. I was able to save the profile today, but I'm still kicking up dust on the issue article because no one will friggin' talk to me. But, while yesterday I was feeling bad and low low low, today I'm thinking that I'm going to just have to push the limits, starting with the guy that turned down my interview. I've decided to hound him until he answers at least 2 really big questions, and then I'll lay off ... a little. Just 2 questions, and maybe some follow-up, but Monday and Tuesday I'm going to beat walk door-to-door downtown and find someone, anyone, that will talk to me about this issue. Dammit, man, I hate cold-calling, but I really can't stand failure.

And it helped to have a martini last night at The Moxie. I'm going back there Monday night to get them to chat me up for the article ... and maybe have another martini.

Definitely have another martini

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