Monday, October 02, 2006

Art? Forgeddabowdit

I was going to post something today and then I totally forgot what it was. I'm sure it was important, however not so important that I would remember it.

School + Work = Me no think so good

I mean, good golly, when you're stressed out practicing t'ai chi, something's effed up. It's probably an art deficiency. These pictures always help...

This is Maurice Quentin de la Tour.

I used to think he looked a lot like Kevin Spacey.

But here he looks a little like Jack Benny.

Art is a wonderful, wonderful thing.
I'm calmer already.

Message to the future Dr. K:
"While it was never definitively established where Barney Rubble worked, the general consensus was that he also worked at Slate & Co. with Fred (though in another part of the quarry, as we did see some scenes in the locker room in which they both appeared, but never in the quarry itself)." (
He was also a geological engineer and a furniture repossessor. Barney was a true (Prehistoric) Renaissance man.


Anonymous said...

I think you've just cast the (long overdue) Jack Benny bio-pic.

li'l hateful said...

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh I see it! Much more convincing than Bobby Darin, man.