Saturday, September 09, 2006

Our 1 Hour Mission

As part of the Eugene celebration of specialness, the McDonald Theatre acknowledged the 40th Anniversary of Star Trek in their "Best of the Best" Film Festival. They showed "The Man Trap" -- the first televised episode of Star Trek -- and it was free. Why free? Well, "Best of the Best Film Festival" didn't really apply to a film in this case. It meant a rented DVD from Flicks n' Picks. Can't show those to the public and charge for it. That would be bad. Even worse is enlarging it for a big screen. Odd how the sound was so funny. Oh well. On the plus side it had Kirk running in serpentine and the memorable line "Quit thinking with your glands" -- not said to Kirk in this case, but to Bones. Weird. [The second most memorable line of the night was from Steven Brence: "Bones is a post."]

Makes you wonder what would have happened if someone had checked out the disc before the McDonald got hold of it. Would have been a short festival, I guess.

There was also a costume contest with no contestants and a Q&A session led by a production assistant (see: "lackey") who worked on The Next Generation and a director of a web film who not only seemed completely unconnected to his film, but also didn't really care much about Star Trek outside of the fact that it gave him a low-paying job for a few hours. But I digress. As an example of Eugene specialness, the Q&A was typical: "I like to speak in Vulcan."

We left quickly afterwards.

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